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Thompson Fund

The Roger R. and Theresa S. Thompson Endowment Fund


Crotched Mountain
Community Care
Pine Tree

Thompson Fund

The Roger R. and Theresa S. Thompson Endowment Fund


Crotched Mountain Foundation
Waterfront - Vertical.jpg
Pine Tree



The Thompsons established the endowment fund to benefit specific local charitable organizations in order to perpetuate the memories of Roger R. and Theresa S. Thompson who deemed these organizations’ work to be “in the best interest of the local community.”  

Theresa Thompson set up the fund before she died because she and her husband believed strongly in the principle of giving back to the community from which they had received so much. They felt their best legacy, as individuals and together, was to direct the independent Trustees of the fund to distribute grants for specific projects undertaken by organizations whose work they admired and that fit their definition of what was good for the community in any given year.


In the Press

The Roger R. and Theresa S. Thompson Endowment Fund announces the awarding of $114,065 in grants to six organizations benefiting the local Seacoast community in New Hampshire and Maine. Since 2015, the Thompson Fund has awarded close to $1 million to the six beneficiaries, ensuring that the legacy the Thompsons intended -- of leading by individual, directed philanthropic example -- is sustained. Theresa."



Charles B. Doleac, Trustee


The Children’s Museum of New Hampshire will be receiving a $24,000 grant from the Roger R. and Theresa S. Thompson Endowment Fund to help provide educational materials for kids on the Seacoast.

“This is their largest gift to us, so we are incredibly thankful to have that during this difficult time,” museum president Jane Bard said.

Jane Bard, CMONH President, interviewed by the Union Leader.

The grant funds will have a large impact on [Seacoast seniors'] health and well- being, allowing them to continue to live in their own homes and remain vital members of their communities. We are very appreciative of the confidence of the trustees that we will be good stewards of these funds provided to us."

Michael Redmond, Senior Advisor, Crotched Mountain Foundation

In The Press

Partner News & Events




The Museum is open for 3-hour play sessions each day we are open. We're asking that all visitors (including Members) reserve a date and time, and pre-pay admission for their next visit to the museum. Play sessions are available Tuesdays – Saturdays, with two sessions each day from 9am-Noon and 1-4pm.

Dec 7, 8, 14

News and Events


For information, please contact Charles B. Doleac, Trustee

Tel: 603-436-4010 |


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